A Cog In The Wheel

Service Above Self alive and thriving in Wilson, North Carolina.

Monday, July 18, 2005

Club Assembly

Today at Wilson Rotary Club we held our first Club Assembly of the new Rotary Year. Basically a Club Assembly gives the Directors and Officers an opportunity to report on their various portfolios so club members will be apprised of the activities planned.
Before the reporting began President Richard (McKellar) awarded Bruce Beasley with a Distinguished Service Citation from the District for his work with the Group Study Exchange (GSE) Team from India. Bruce worked very diligently to arrange for activities, lodging, transportation, and numerous other unknown to us needs. Thank you Bruce for representing the Club and the District in such a fine way. You made us all look good.
President Richard also presented Past President Ed Wyatt with his Past President's lapel pin. President Richard apologized to Ed for the club being apparently to frugal to purchase Ed's pin last year.

For the Reports:
Club Service: Karl McKinnon (your humble blogger) reported that the Directory would soon be updated and reflect any changes from folks moving and changing jobs. The Fellowship Trip will likely be in January. The Webpage has been updated and the blog has been created to make for a dynamic web presence. Any input is always welcome.

International Service: Eddie Gauss reported that he is working on a project at Barton College to recognize their international students at WRC meetings. Norvell stated that there are approximately 50 international students enrolled at Barton. More to come on this later.

Public Relations: Pete Dempsey reported that Frank Eagles has accepted the responsibility again for the Auction Fund Raiser. The event will be November 4th at the Arts Council of Wilson.
Vocational Service: Jolly Barnes has been busy with her portfolio. Jolly is working on an industrial tour for Cott Beverage. There will be a replacement program for the HOST program this year. A couple of important dates were announced for the dictionary project. Cut off for donations is August 12th and bookplates will be the club program on August 23.

Community Service: The meals on Wheels Program is in good shape for the next few months. The Latin Health Fair will be held next summer.

Programs: Vice President Kent Montgomery reported that he is making excellent progress in scheduling programs. The next installation banquet will be June 27 at the Wilson Country Club. Kent also added that if anyone is interested in suggesting a program or topic please let him know.

Youth Services: Fred Horne stated that he is considering meeting with Ben Eagles to discuss the portfolio, but Ben said his going rate for consulation is $500 per hour (chuckles abounded). Fred added that we would have a complete schedule of activities in the very near future as dates for specific projects are accepted by club members.

Foundation: Sandy Arens reported that we had a good year with regard to the Foundation. We presented five (5) Paul Harris Fellowships and participated with the other club to present Matt Edwards from the Salvation Army with the Civic Paul Harris Fellowship. Sandy reminded us all to consider a Paul Harris Fellowship for our spouse, for a child or parent. Sandy asked that we all become a Sustaining Member.

Treasurer: Mary Long reported that we finished up last year in great shape financially.
All in all for a Club Assembly this was a good meeting.


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