A Cog In The Wheel

Service Above Self alive and thriving in Wilson, North Carolina.

Sunday, July 24, 2005

Why we stand for the District Governor

President Richard made the Wilson Rotary Club aware that when District Governor Brenda Tinkham visits with us at the club on Monday for her annual visit we should stand at her introduction to speak and again at the conclusion of her speech.

It was always my thought that this was done as a sign of respect. Other Rotarians I had spoken with said that it was done out of a sense of tradition. Both are equally good reasons to stand for the District Governor (DG) and even the Past District Governor (PDG).

However, both of these answers to the question of why Rotarians stand for their DG are misconceptions.

At the Rotary Leadership Institute I attended a about 18 months ago I learned that the Rotary International President is considered a diplomat of the same level as an ambassador or foreign dignitary. The District Governor is considered a formal emissary of the RI President and should be extended the same protocol.

Thus we stand for the District Governor.


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