A Cog In The Wheel

Service Above Self alive and thriving in Wilson, North Carolina.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Eagle Scout Recognition Ceremony

Eagle Scout Recognition Ceremony
Join the members of Wilson Rotary Club as we recognize Wilson's newest Eagle Scouts.

The Monday, March 26 meeting has been set aside for this important and traditional recognition of our future presidents, astronauts, generals, doctors, lawyers, and community leaders.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

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Seth Williford selected as March youth of the month
In an effort to recognize the shining stars that represent the youth of our community, the Wilson Rotary Club honors students throughout the school year. Seth Williford is the Wilson Rotary Club Youth of the Month for March 2007 and was recognized at the March 19 club meeting.

Seth, the son of Chris and Nora Williford, is a senior at Ralph L. Fike High School. In addition to being an excellent student Seth is very involved in both school and community activities. Seth is a member of the Fike High School Vocal Ensemble, the Model United Nations Club, National Honor Society, the Yearbook Staff, and plays on the tennis team. In the community Seth is active in ACT! For youth and was recently featured as the Cowardly Lion in the successful production of the Wizard of Oz. Seth has an interest in politics and has served as both a Governor’s Page and A North Carolina Senate page. Seth also attended North Carolina Boy’s State as a junior.

After graduation this June, Seth will either attend the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill were he has been admitted as a member of the class of 2011 or Duke University where he awaits final word on admission. Seth plans to pursue political science as a major.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Kite Flying 2007

The Wilson Rotary Club held its annual kite flying contest on Sunday, March 18 at Forest Hills Middle School. The contest wes very well attended with approximately 50 scouts and their kites. Colton Ward took the prize for the First Off the Ground contest with a simple sled kite made from a piece of paper and trash can liners.

First place winners In the Highest Flying division were Samuel Overton for Tiger Cubs, Cole Grizer for the Wolf scouts, Andrew Wontauck for Bear scouts, and Nick Ellis for Weblos.

First Places for Best Design were awarded to Colton Ward for Tiger Cubs, Helms Dixon, for Wolf scouts, Jordan Childress for Bear scouts, and Logan Davidson for Weblo scouts.

Graham Whitehead served as chairman for the annual event and he was assisted by Rotarians Marion Boykin, Billy Lamm, David West, and Judy Weatherington.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

WZAX and Eldon Newton Celebrate Wilson Rotary Club's 90th Birthday

President Eldon Newton was interviewed on Monday March 5, 2007 by David Perkins a local radio celebrity and host of of the Centura Bank Spotlight on the Community with DP in the Morning on ZAX 99.3.

Eldon's great interview can be hear here by clicking the link.

Wilson Rotary thanks Rtn. Mike Binkley and the staff of ZAX 99.3 for helping us celebrate this important milestone in the club's history.

Wilson Rotary Club Golf Tournament

The 2007 Wilson Rotary Golf Tournament is just around the corner. Starting with a 1:00 PM shotgun start on Wednesday, April 18 at Wedgewood Golf Course in Wilson, the tournament promises to be a great deal of fun and highly competitive again this year.

As in previous years the tournament's funds will be used to help the youth of our community. However, the Wilson Rotary Club has decided that the proceeds will be used to benefit Imagination Station Science Museum for the next three years.

"We are simply humbled and excited by the support and value that the Wilson Rotary Club has place on Imagination Station by making the museum the beneficiary of the proceeds from the golf tournament," stated Karl McKinnon, executive director (and author of this blog).

There are a number of ways that you can participate in this tournament. You can enter a team to play. There are three divisions of players. The LIMBER BACKS better known as those under the age of 60, the STIFF BACKS also known as those over the age of 60, and PRETTY BACKS or those teams composed of women. Cost for each team of four players is $200.

Businesses and individuals can become a TEE BOX Sponsor for $100. Each tee will be decorated with the sponsor's name prominently displayed.

The registration packet is available here for download in PDF format.

We hope you will join us for the fun, friendship and fellowship on Wednesday April 18 at Wedgewood Golf Course.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Coins for Alzheimer's Research

Coins for Alzheimer's Research


Alzheimer's Disease is claiming more and more victims worldwide every day. Over 4 million Americans are now victims and medical scientists predict that unless a prevention/cure is found that the number of American victims will grow to 16 million within the next 20- to 25 years. Further, that without a cure, one out of every 10 living Americans will ultimately become victims. It is estimated that 75 percent of the world's victims live outside of the United States.

Beginning in 1995, Rotarians in South Carolina, Georgia and North Carolina contribute small amounts weekly to fund research that can bring an end to this terrible disease.

The CART Fund was developed with the idea of accomplishing its goals without conducting fund raisers and without interfering with other projects of our various clubs. In order to do this, we developed the concept of asking Rotarians to voluntarily empty their pockets of change or whatever amount they wanted to donate when they attend our weekly meetings. It is estimated that on any given day in America, $8.25 billion in loose change passes among our citizens. This provides a very simple, painless and effective way to raise much needed funds for Alzheimer's research.

The effectiveness of donated change can be illustrated by considering that in the 11 Rotary districts of The Carolinas and Georgia, there are approximately 35,100 Rotarians. Assuming 85 percent attendance, 48 meetings a year and an average donation of just 35 cents, we can raise over $500,000 for research annually. Using this formula, Rotarians in the USA and Canada, combined, could provide over $5.5 million annually for Alzheimer's research.

For information how your Rotary Club or you as an individual can join the fight against Alzheimer's Disease, contact the CART Board by email at info@cartfund.org.

Woody Harrison is recognized for community service

Woody Harrison received the Four Chaplins Citation for his continous service to mankind in Wilson and around the world. Woody is one of those genuine people that lives the Four Way Test and Service Above Self in all that he says and does.
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Richard McKellar selected as Assistant District Governor

Immediate past president, Richard McKellar has been selected by Brad Sears, district governor elect to serve as the assistant district governor for area 5.

This position is currently held by Ed Wyatt who will be beginning his preparations for becoming district governor in two year.

This is a tremendous duty that Richard is being tasked with and we are proud that he has accepted the responsibility. In addition to serving as the district governor's liaison in Wilson and Rocky Mount, Richard will be working with all of the area 5 clubs to encourage attendance, member recruitment, support of the foundation, and service above self.

Congratulations Richard and know that you can call on the members of the Wilson Rotary Club to support you during your serive to the district.

Friday, March 09, 2007

RAD Speech Contest

The Wilson County Rotary Against Drugs Speech Contest was a success this year. Rot. Jolly Barnes did a an excellent job in coordinating the event held Sunday, February 25 at Imagination Station Science Museum.

Charlotte Rastas, the daughter of Paul and Jo Rastas won the competition.

Wilson Rotary Club Celebrates 90 Years

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Monday, March 05, 2007

Happy 90th Birthday Wilson Rotary Club

It is often that I meet a Rotarian that can say they have been in a Rotary Club 20 years. Then there are those friends that are a bit harder to come by that have been in Rotary for 30 years. Today I had the pleasure of meeting a Rotarian that was a member of the Wilson Rotary Club 44 years ago.

The occasion was the celebration of Wilson Rotary Club's 90th Anniversary and did we ever celebrate in a big way. The Western Sizzlin put out a generous spread for lunch and there was the big cake which added to the enjoyment of the day. The highlight of the day was the opportunity to hear from all those presidents that are the living history of this civic club.

We heard stories of the nomadic lunch club that moved from restaurant to restaurant in the community until we found a home with Rotarian Bob Bass at the Western Sizzlin (just for the record we had been there previously and left under difficult circumstances).

We heard the wonderful story of Frank Eagle's father and mother and how they came to be linked in the bonds of matrimony after Elizabeth spoke at a meeting and said that one of her biggest goals in life was to marry a man as handsome and nice as Ben Eagles. Little did the future Mrs. Eagles know that Ben was a widower and the 20 or more years separating them in age was a mere inconvenience.

We learned of Polio Plus and Eagle Scouts, and work at Boy Scout Camp Charles. But what we learned most is that the Wilson Rotary Club has a deep and rich history of service that continues today and will continue long after our names have gone into the roles of those "old Rotarians that have passed."

Happy Birthday Wilson Rotary and here is to another 90 years of service above self.

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Ed Wyatt selected as District Governor nominee

Wilson Rotary Club is pleased to have received the announcement from District Governor Dan le Roux that Rotarian Ed Wyatt (club president 2003-3004) has been named District Governor Nominee and will serve as District 7720's District Governor in 2009.

Ed Wyatt is considered a Rotarian's Rotarian and has been active in Rotary for many years. Ed has done two tours as club president with different clubs. Ed also has served as Assistant District Governor for Area 5 for two years.

Ed will be the second District Governor form the Wilson Club.

Congratulations Ed and we are proud of you!

For the particulars on how district governors are selected please read below:

Rotary International Bylaws Article 15.080 state, “a governor at the time of taking office
must have attended the International Assembly for it’s full duration, been a member of one or
more Rotary clubs for at least seven years, and must continue to possess the qualifications in
section 15.070.”
A. A member in good standing of a club in the District. (RIB 15.070.1)

B. The Rotarian must have full qualification for such membership in the strict application
of the provisions thereof, and the integrity of the Rotarian’s classification must be
without question. (RIB 15.070.2)

C. The Rotarian must be a member in a functioning club in good standing which has no
outstanding indebtedness to RI or to the district as of the close of the year preceding
that in which the Rotarian is proposed as a candidate for the nomination for governor.
(RIB 15.070.3)

D. The Rotarian must have served as president of a club for a full term or be a charter
president of a club having served the full term from the date of charter to 30 June,
provided that this period is at least six months. (RIB 15.070.4)

E. The Rotarian must demonstrate willingness, commitment, and ability, physically and
otherwise, to fulfill the duties and responsibilities of the office of governor as provided
in section15.090, “Duties of a Governor.” (RIB 15.070.5)

F. The Rotarian must demonstrate knowledge of the qualifications, duties, and
responsibilities of governor as prescribed in the bylaws and submit to RI, through its
general secretary, a signed statement that the Rotarian understands clearly such
qualifications, duties, and responsibilities. Such statement shall also confirm that the
Rotarian is qualified for the office of governor and willing and able to assume the
duties and responsibilities of that office and to perform them faithfully. (RIB 15.070.6)