A Cog In The Wheel

Service Above Self alive and thriving in Wilson, North Carolina.

Monday, March 05, 2007

Ed Wyatt selected as District Governor nominee

Wilson Rotary Club is pleased to have received the announcement from District Governor Dan le Roux that Rotarian Ed Wyatt (club president 2003-3004) has been named District Governor Nominee and will serve as District 7720's District Governor in 2009.

Ed Wyatt is considered a Rotarian's Rotarian and has been active in Rotary for many years. Ed has done two tours as club president with different clubs. Ed also has served as Assistant District Governor for Area 5 for two years.

Ed will be the second District Governor form the Wilson Club.

Congratulations Ed and we are proud of you!

For the particulars on how district governors are selected please read below:

Rotary International Bylaws Article 15.080 state, “a governor at the time of taking office
must have attended the International Assembly for it’s full duration, been a member of one or
more Rotary clubs for at least seven years, and must continue to possess the qualifications in
section 15.070.”
A. A member in good standing of a club in the District. (RIB 15.070.1)

B. The Rotarian must have full qualification for such membership in the strict application
of the provisions thereof, and the integrity of the Rotarian’s classification must be
without question. (RIB 15.070.2)

C. The Rotarian must be a member in a functioning club in good standing which has no
outstanding indebtedness to RI or to the district as of the close of the year preceding
that in which the Rotarian is proposed as a candidate for the nomination for governor.
(RIB 15.070.3)

D. The Rotarian must have served as president of a club for a full term or be a charter
president of a club having served the full term from the date of charter to 30 June,
provided that this period is at least six months. (RIB 15.070.4)

E. The Rotarian must demonstrate willingness, commitment, and ability, physically and
otherwise, to fulfill the duties and responsibilities of the office of governor as provided
in section15.090, “Duties of a Governor.” (RIB 15.070.5)

F. The Rotarian must demonstrate knowledge of the qualifications, duties, and
responsibilities of governor as prescribed in the bylaws and submit to RI, through its
general secretary, a signed statement that the Rotarian understands clearly such
qualifications, duties, and responsibilities. Such statement shall also confirm that the
Rotarian is qualified for the office of governor and willing and able to assume the
duties and responsibilities of that office and to perform them faithfully. (RIB 15.070.6)


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