A Cog In The Wheel

Service Above Self alive and thriving in Wilson, North Carolina.

Monday, March 05, 2007

Happy 90th Birthday Wilson Rotary Club

It is often that I meet a Rotarian that can say they have been in a Rotary Club 20 years. Then there are those friends that are a bit harder to come by that have been in Rotary for 30 years. Today I had the pleasure of meeting a Rotarian that was a member of the Wilson Rotary Club 44 years ago.

The occasion was the celebration of Wilson Rotary Club's 90th Anniversary and did we ever celebrate in a big way. The Western Sizzlin put out a generous spread for lunch and there was the big cake which added to the enjoyment of the day. The highlight of the day was the opportunity to hear from all those presidents that are the living history of this civic club.

We heard stories of the nomadic lunch club that moved from restaurant to restaurant in the community until we found a home with Rotarian Bob Bass at the Western Sizzlin (just for the record we had been there previously and left under difficult circumstances).

We heard the wonderful story of Frank Eagle's father and mother and how they came to be linked in the bonds of matrimony after Elizabeth spoke at a meeting and said that one of her biggest goals in life was to marry a man as handsome and nice as Ben Eagles. Little did the future Mrs. Eagles know that Ben was a widower and the 20 or more years separating them in age was a mere inconvenience.

We learned of Polio Plus and Eagle Scouts, and work at Boy Scout Camp Charles. But what we learned most is that the Wilson Rotary Club has a deep and rich history of service that continues today and will continue long after our names have gone into the roles of those "old Rotarians that have passed."

Happy Birthday Wilson Rotary and here is to another 90 years of service above self.

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